Spouse Socials
Let’s Socialize!
Posted on February 8, 2013 by admin
Hey Everyone!
San Diego Spine and Rehab is dedicated to getting the word out, and helping everyone reach their wellness goals! Can you imagine a world where relief is readily accessible to everyone? SO CAN WE!
In an effort to reach everyone, and let them know about the Integrated Medicine approach, we have made sure that you can connect with us in many different ways!
From Twitter, Facebook, Yelp, to here on the SDSR blog! Be sure to connect with us, and be the first to know about all of the exciting and informative opportunities we offer for you and your loved ones! You can link directly to all of these social media outlet with SDSR at the bottom of each and every blog post, as well as through our Facebook page! Be sure to like us, or “Check In” on Facebook or Yelp! and let everyone know how hard you’re working!
What’s going on at SDSR lately? Oh you know….lots of FUN!
Check out all the spirit for Jersey Day in the Mission Valley playroom last week!
Recent Mission Valley Social
Some smiling faces at a Mission Valley Social
Basket winners at a Social in the Oceanside office!
Gotta love the poses!!!
We can always count on you to make our events such a great time!!
In the upcoming weeks, we have plans here at SDSR to host even more fun events!
Look out for these in your office:
SDSR Adventure Club (paddleboarding, hiking, and so much more!)
SDSR Walking Club
SDSR Biggest Loser Challenge
Have you checked out the Healthy Heart Baskets for this month’s referral contest yet? Remember, each patient YOU refer into the office gets you one ticket, and this month, you get an EXTRA ticket for EACH can of soup or beans that you bring in for our Angels Depot food drive!
Oceanside Basket
Mission Valley Basket
We figured, hey! Why not ‘sweeten’ the deal? Check out the SDSR blog each week for the “CODE WORD” of the week, and mention at the front desk when you check in for your appointment, and we will give you ANOTHER extra ticket!
So, let’s recap:
1 referral= 1 ticket
1 can of soup or beans= 1 ticket each
40 cans of soup or beans=40 tickets AND a one hour massage certificate
Mention CODE WORD at check in=1 ticket (once per week, per patient)
Not too shabby, huh?
This weeks code word is: ‘Cardio’
That’s all for now, but we can’t wait to see you at your next appointment!
Have a GREAT weekend!
Is It Mid-January Already?
Posted on January 18, 2013 by admin
Hey Everyone!
Can you believe that January is already half over?!
We are so excited to be celebrating the New Year with our wonderful patients, and helping everyone reach their wellness goals! It’s been a great start, and we can’t wait to see what is in store!
A fun addition to this year at SDSR is our “Fun Fridays” in the playroom! Each Friday, your local office will have a theme in the playroom, and we encourage all of our patients and their little ones to participate!
This Friday, we will be doing “Winnie the Pooh” in the Oceanside office, and a “Circus” theme in Mission Valley! Games, stories, movies…it will be a blast! We can’t wait to see you there! You can find the themes for the month posted in your local playroom, and we will keep you posted here on the SDSR blog, as well!
Mission Valley
Some things should never change….like the monthly drawings at SDSR! It’s not too late to refer your family and friends, for a chance to win the 0 Visa Gift Card! Any person you refer that comes in up until January 31, gets you entered! Who can’t use an extra 0??!!
If you haven’t already received a flyer, you can pick one up at the Front Desk!
How did YOU hear about SDSR? We have met a lot of our patients at fun events at the community, and at the events we have in our very own offices! We are grateful to be contacted by so many groups, Family Readiness Officers, and other organizations. We have an absolute blast throwing these events for you all! Check out some of the most recent events here in our offices!
Massage Therapist Rory went out to the Isis Employee Appreciation Event!
The lucky winners at one of the latest Oceanside Spouse’s Socials!
Smiling faces at one of the Mission Valley Spouse’s Social Events!
Making Valentine’s to send to deployed loved ones at one of our Socials!
We get some real partiers every now and then! :)
We are always happy to celebrate our staff birthdays! HAPPY BIRTHDAY to all the January babies who help make SDSR what it is!
Mission Valley Birthdays!
We caught two of our Oceanside birthdays in the hallway!
That’s all for now, but as always….
Spouse Social at Oceanside 6/5/11 was a huge success!
Posted on June 6, 2011 by StevenSDSR
On Sunday 6/5/11, we had a wonderful time with the spouses from 1st Battalion, 5th Infantry! The event was full of fun, food, door prizes, massage, daycare, and great company. Thank you to all who came and made this event so successful! Special thanks to Katy May for helping to spread the word to all the wonderful spouses!
The socializing spouses of our Spouse Social!
Miss Jessica wrapping a baby ready for a nap!
The kids of the daycare!
Danielle giving a trigger point massage
Kristena giving a triggerpoint massage
The bigger kids had room for movies, snacks, and mini games!
Wonderful gift bags and door prizes for the participating spouses!